- Details
- Written by: Admin
- Category: Western Australia
- Hits: 24722
When trying to find that perfect Free Camping Ground in Western Australia:
It can take hours of your time, simply sorting through all the various online campsites and websites, just to find one that suits you and your family.
So this is why we have two different interactive maps available, both are made for free camping in Western Australia.
- WA Rest Areas Map
- WA Free Camping Map
Free campsites vary drastically with onsite facilities they posses.
These camps basically fall into two categories, each with varying time limits, as to how long you can camp at them, ranging from half a day, right through to unlimited free camping with full facilities.
In General:
- W.A. Rest Areas are governed by the number of hours, or days you are allowed to stay, most rest areas will not permit tent camping in any form.
- W.A. Free Camping can be best described as having either a short, or no time limit to how long you can camp there.
Some councils are now providing amazing facilities for the traveller, and therefore encouraging you to spend money in the local community to help stimulate their economy.
Tourist dollars help smaller shops carry a larger inventory that helps the locals with more choices.
You can also use our advanced search engine, to narrow down features that are important to you.
I.E. Dog Friendly, BBQs, Tap Water, Toilets etc.