City: Blackall
Results 1 - 3 of 3
0 reviews
At the Barcoo River Rest Area you can take a short break from driving. This spot is set well back from the highway with plenty of shade to select from, with undercover picnic tables, rubbish bins, and quiet a few shady spots to park your caravan.
Entran ...
Rest Areas
0 reviews
At the Blackall Park Rest Area stop and have a picnic using the undercover table and chairs, and watch the occasional car or truck go by. Entrance to the Blackall Park Rest Area Blackall Park Rest Area location map
Rest Areas
0 reviews
The Douglas Ponds Rest Area is set well away from the Highway and offers a peaceful rest spot, to invigorate you and get you on your way. Entrance to the Douglas Ponds Rest Area Douglas Ponds Rest Area location map
Rest Areas