City: Irymple
Entrance to the Coachman Tourist Park Coachman Tourist Park location map
Kings Billabong Lookout has a loop track for you to stretch your legs, it's roughly a 200 meter walk to the lake. There are some undercover picnic tables here. Entrance to the Kings Billabong Lookout Kings Billabong Lookout location map
At the Kings Billabong Rest Area camping is permitted around the reserve, when backpacking in, you will find plenty of bush camping spots. Entrance to the Kings Billabong Rest Area Kings Billabong Rest Area location map
The Psyche Bend Camping Area is a place you can take your dog popular spot during public holidays. There is a historic pumping station nearby, which is open, and run by local enthusiasts.
Psyche Bend Pumping Station 360
Psyche Bend Camping Area locati ...