City: Lake Bolac
Results 1 - 3 of 3
Lake Bolac Caravan & Tourist Park
115 Frontage Road, Lake Bolac, 3351, Victoria
0 reviews
Entrance to the Lake Bolac Caravan Park Lake Bolac Caravan Park location map
Caravan Parks
Lake Bolac East Beach Camping Area
East Beach Road, Lake Bolac, 3351, Victoria
0 reviews
Lake Bolac East Beach Camping Area location map
Camping Fees Apply
Lake Bolac Rest Area
Glenelg Highway, Lake Bolac, 3351, Victoria
0 reviews
The Lake Bolac Rest Area is a short distance to Lake Bolac and water levels in the lake fluctuate, depending on seasonal conditions. Entrance to the Lake Bolac Rest Area Lake Bolac Rest Area location map
Rest Areas