City: Murrayville
Results 1 - 3 of 3
Danyo Rest Area
Mallee Highway, Murrayville, 3512, Victoria
0 reviews
Danyo Rest Area has a picnic table and seats shaded by some trees. it's a handy place to pull over and take a break from driving. Entrance to the Danyo Rest Area Danyo Rest Area location map
Rest Areas
Murrayville East Rest Area
Mallee Highway, Murrayville, 3512, Victoria
0 reviews
The Murrayville East Rest Area has a train track running parallel with the main road. There are quite a few tacks into the scrub for the more adventurous. Entrance to the Murrayville East Rest Area Murrayville East Rest Area location map
Rest Areas
Murrayville Park Rest Area
McKenzie Street, Murrayville, 3512, Victoria
0 reviews
The Murrayville Park Rest Area has a phone box and public toilet block, some old farm equipment on display, bbq, picnic tables, some shade spots to park your vehicle, and the Murrayville Hotel is directly across the road.
Entrance to the Murrayville Park ...
Rest Areas