Postcode: 3579
Entrance to the Atkinson Park Rest Area Atkinson Park Rest Area location map
Entrance to the Kerang Caravan & Tourist Park Kerang Caravan & Tourist Park location map
The Koorangie Game Reserve Water levels in the lake vary quite a bit, so don’t expect to be able to do water related activities in a dry year. Koorangie Game Reserve location map
Lake Meran Camping Area
When camping at the Lake Meran Camping Area, water in the lake varies from nothing to full, so fishing is not an option here hahaha. Lake Meran has an Honesty box Fees/Donations used to upkeep of lake facilities and improvements to foreshore:
Entrance to ...
Leaghur State Park Camping Area
The Leaghur State Park Camping Area is a good basic bush camp, with lots of birds, and good bush walking tracks. This is a small campground, 2 to 3 campers most, and is subject to flooding in Winter, so you have been warned. Camping is allowed in both of ...
Reedy Lake Apex Park Rest Area
Entrance to the Reedy Lake Apex Park Rest Area Reedy Lake Apex Park Rest Area location map