Acacia Caravan Park
Local weather forecast for Ararat, Victoria:
(03) 5352 2994
6 Acacia Avenue, Ararat, 3377, Victoria
Sat Nav Coordinate
-37.27642053, 142.9256462
Road Access
Asphalt Road Surface
Parking Area
Some Suitable Grass Areas Available
Yes - At least one public toilet block available
Rubbish Bins
Yes - At least one rubbish bin located here
Drinking Water
Yes - Water is available onsite
Childrens Playground
Yes - Some playground infrastructure in place for the children to play on
Short Walks
Yes - Room to stretch your legs on short walks
TV Reception
Yes - Your TV will pick up reception here
Mobile Phone Reception
Mobile phone coverage is available depending on your carrier
Internet Access
Yes - Uses your Mobile Phones Internet Data Plan